Alginate lyase enzyme (vAL1)

Alginate lyase enzyme (vAL1)

This is the C-terminus of vAL1 which contains the alginate lyase

Note that A215L (321 AA) falls in the vAL1 clade and A561L (648 AA) falls in a related clade

The alginate lyase sequence is homologous to the C-terminus of A561L

A561L, but not a215L, is a virion component, therfore a good lysin candidate

Residues 300-400 of A561L are homologous to transmembrane proteins

A host (Chlorella variabilis) alginate lyase falls within viral alginate lyase clades!

A565R is related to A561L, but only in the transmembrane regions (300-400)

The above is the N-terminus of vAL1 (inhibits lyase activity). Paralogues are found in A171R (N-terminus) and A140/145R (near C-terminus)

A171R has an esterase/lipase signature and is related to a slew of Chlorella variablis genes

In vAL1, PAPK repeats separate the two domains. A215L lacks most of the repeats.

For structural details of vAL1 see Ogura et al, JBC 284, 35572

Gene RefSeq Fasta Blast
Chlorella ALEFN53190.1FBl
Interestingly the lyase domain of the Chlorella AL (636 AA) is nearer the N-terminus. The C-terminal domain is homologous to algal proteins (ser/thr protein kinases)